Elevate Your Scores With Document Rent.

Don't miss out on reporting your past and present rent payments.

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Build History

Effortless Process

Monthly Reporting

Positive Updates

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To say that Document Rent has been life-changing is an understatement. My business has tripled, and I got my life back.

Nicole Marion

Personal or Business? We’ve got you covered.


Everything one person would need.
$37 .00 USD / monthly
  • 3 Monthly rent reporting
  • Protected data collection
  • Reporting up to 3 years of rental history to Equifax, and Transunion
  • Custom monthly updates
  • Online support
  • Activity reporting

No-Hassle Cancel Anytime


For growing businesses.
Most popular
$97 .00 USD / monthly
  • 3 Monthly rent reporting
  • Protected data collection
  • Reporting up to 5 years of rental history to Equifax, Transunion, Dun & Bradstreet
  • Custom monthly updates
  • Online support
  • Activity reporting

No-Hassle Cancel Anytime

Prices in USD. Taxes may apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled some commonly asked questions.

How does the product report rent payments to consumer agencies?

Our product reports rent payments to consumer agencies such as Equifax, Transunion, Experion, and Dun & Bradstreet. We provide updates every 30-45 days to ensure accurate and timely reporting

Can I access online chat support for any inquiries or issues?

Absolutely! We offer online chat support to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Our dedicated customer support team is available to provide the assistance you need

Does the product report all types of rent payments?

Yes, our product reports all types of rent payments, including both residential and commercial rent

How long does it take for the reported rent payments to reflect on my credit report?

Once we report the rent payments to the consumer agencies, it typically takes a few weeks for the updates to reflect on your credit report. However, please note that individual agency processing times may vary

Can I request a copy of my credit report after the rent payments are reported?

Yes, you can request a copy of your credit report from the respective consumer agencies to verify the reported rent payments

Are there any additional fees for accessing online chat support?

No, there are no additional fees for accessing our online chat support


What our Clients are Saying

Document Rent has been a game-changer for my business. Their reporting to consumer agencies has greatly improved my credit score and helped me secure better financial opportunities." - John M

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John Sanee


I've never had such smooth and reliable customer support like I've experienced with Document Rent

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Michelle Faraday


Thanks to Document Rent, I now have a better understanding of my financial standing. Their regular updates to Equifax, Transunion, Experion, and Dun & Bradstreet have given me peace of mind and helped me stay on top of my credit." - Michael S

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Lisa Reed


Elevate Your Scores. 

Document Rent helped us elevate. 

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